This page has my most frequently asked questions. If I haven't answered your question below, please use the Contact Form at the bottom of the page, and I will get back to you on Monday - Thursday, between 12 PM - 8 PM.

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How do I get my books?

For Ebooks and Audiobooks

Once you purchase an ebook or audiobook, you will receive an email containing the link to your purchase from help@bookfunnel.com. If you do not receive an email within one hour of your purchase, please check your spam/junk folder, or if you're using Gmail, your Promotions folder. You can also receive your books by clicking this URL, https://purchase.bookfunnel.com/melissacummins and logging in with the email address you used at the time of purchase. If you need additional information, you can find their contact information, as well as tips, FAQ, and answers to general questions on their Reader Help Page.

For all physical copies

It depends on which country you're in and the shipping option you choose at checkout. All physical orders (excluding pre-orders) are processed via print on demand within 1 to 30 business days (excluding weekends and holidays) and shipped directly from the printer. You will receive another notification when your order has shipped. For more information, please see my Shipping Policy.

Can I read my books on my favorite ereader or app?

Absolutely! This is why I use Bookfunnel as it has simple and easy instructions on how to get your ebook to your favorite reading app.

What is the reading order?

All of my books are in the same universe regardless if they are a series or standalone. For this reason, I recommend the below reading order to prevent any spoilers for any cameo appearances. However, all standalones can be read independently and in any order.

Chronicles of The Otherworld: The Vampire War

  1. Night Shade
  2. Night Fury
  3. Night Fall


  • My Brutal Beast
  • Crowned In Blood

What is the spice level for your books?

All of my spice scenes are open-door, full of dirty talk, completely descriptive, and often kinky.

How do pre-orders work?

When you purchase a pre-order, you will be charged upfront. You will immediately receive and email from Bookfunnel confirming your pre-order. Once the book is ready to be released you will receive it, at minimum, a week earlier than anyone else.

What do I do if my codes have expired?

While your download code for Bookfunnel expires in 14 days, you have the books in your library forever. To access them, you can reach out to Bookfunnel at help@bookfunnel.com to request a new code or visit their Help Page here and login with your email address.

Can I return the ebooks or audiobooks?

As digital products are emailed to you as soon as you complete your purchase they cannot be returned except under special circumstances such as the accidental purchase of multiple copies. For more information, please check my Return Policy.

Can I buy your books from my favorite retailer?

Yes! All of my individual ebooks and paperbacks are available worldwide including on Amazon, Apple, Barnes & Noble, Google Play, Kobo, Kobo+, and Smashwords. My books are even available in libraries!

However, all bundles, deals, and Special Editions are only available from my shop unless otherwise stated.

Why are some of your books in Kindle Unlimited (KU) and some are not?

None of my English titles are available in KU and I do not see that changing in the future. Being in KU makes me extremely limited on what I can do with my ebooks and would cause me to ostracize a lot of my readers.

For translations, it's entirely dependent on several factors, including what's easier for readers to utilize, and the penalties Amazon enacts if your books are not in KU in those countries. However, my paperbacks and audiobooks are always going to be available on multiple retailers.

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